Friday, June 11, 2010


SocialVibe ( is a wonderfully easy way to earn donations for your favorite charities. At SocialVibe, you complete easy tasks (sometimes only answering one question) to earn "points" for your cause. When you create an account with the site, either independantly or through facebook connect, you choose a charity to earn points for. Don't stress this too much, as you can always change your cause. It's kind of a social networking site for are free to add friends (which you need to advance in levels, from white star to pink star), do other's tasks, do your own tasks, chat, leave notes, visit the forum, and post photos. You also receive incentives for progressing in levels. For the most part, these are large sums of points, but in some cases, they will send you a stress ball, bracelets and stickers, T-shirts, and sweatshirts. In addition to these incentives, you earn achievements for things like helping out friends earning points for their cause, posting status updates, posting on the forum, and completing your own tasks.

The causes, for those interested, range from animal rights (PETA or ASPCA), standing up to cancer, body image/ self-damaging education, and more! For those wondering where the money comes from to donate for these causes, sponsors such as Windows, Droid, Nike, and anyone really, give money for completing their tasks. For example, you may complete a questionnaire about Microsoft products, and after completing that task, they donate money to your cause. It's a win-win for all parties involved, and most tasks take only a moment to complete.

If you are interested in checking out their blog, go here:

If you are interested in "friending" me so we can help eachother progress by doing eachother's tasks, go here and add me as a friend:

If you are interested in helping out my cause, Blood: Water Mission, provide clean water around the world, then click on the banner on the side of this page.

<3 and peace, Helena

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